Reporting hazards and safety concerns

Hazard Identification is fundamental to improving workplace safety. Small issues can grow into much bigger ones if left unattended. Reporting identified hazards and safety concerns is a practical and effective way to make a workplace safer and improve the quality of people's working life. By reporting actual or potential hazards, the workplace becomes much safer for all, as a build-up of repeating hazards is rapidly noticed and dealt with before they cause harm. Reporting safety concerns also helps to improve your lessons learned process, reduce the number of injuries and save costs.


PEER® has created an extremely easy and quick to use reporting tool that focuses on potential energy releases; sub-standard equipment; and potentially faulty rules and procedures found in typical safety management system elements.

The priority of any correction actions is recorded and monitored for completion, once approved by a person nominated by the reporter, so appropriate actions to reduce risks exposures are known to have been taken. Feedback reports provide a quick but in-depth overview of the issues reported.

Safety Concern and Hazard reports are another leading OSH indicator that amplifies faint warning signals about potential adverse events before they strike for real.

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